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Anti Wrinkle Injections - Botox (Botulinum Toxin)

Ageing causes the development of lines and wrinkles on our face, which are still visible when we are at rest. These are mostly caused by repeated dynamic movement in the face as we express ourselves, such as frowning, smiling or raising our eyebrows. The action of constantly using the muscles in the face over many years means that wrinkles start to form  - around the eyes, known as crow’s feet; as number "11" lines between the eyes from frowning; or as horizonal forehead lines from raising our eyebrows. These mostly start to appear in men and women from the age of thirty onwards, although they can be seen in younger people with very mobile faces.

To avoid looking old or tired, many people seek treatment to address the wrinkles and furrows that appear on their faces. Treatments such as dermal fillers and botulinum toxin, or BOTOX®, can be used as anti-wrinkle solutions.

Botox is a prescription only medicine which has been used for many years in both cosmetic and medical practice. It is also used to treat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), urinary incontinence, migraines and many muscle spasm disorders. It was whilst doctors were treating patients with eye twitches in the mid-1980s that they discovered the cosmetic properties that Botox has for treating crow’s feet. Because it is a medicine, it must be prescribed for each individual following assessment, consultation and diagnosis by a prescribing practitioner. Not everyone is suitable for treatment.

Botox treatment temporarily and reversibly freezes or paralyses the targeted muscles by cutting off the communication link between the nerves and the muscles; therefore, it may be used to treat facial lines caused by the action of certain muscles on the skin. By stopping the muscle action, you stop the line creation which gives the skin an opportunity to recover and for the wrinkle to reduce. The effect of treatment can take up to 14 days to work to deactivate the muscle.

The cosmetic use of botulinum toxin for wrinkle reduction now has over 30 years of active use and clinical study, which has shown that it is safe and effective. We can offer this to suitable patients at Aesthetic Solutions, following a consultation about your specific anti-ageing concerns with our nurse prescriber, Kerry. She has over 16 years’ experience treating patients with Botox injections for wrinkles, as well as excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and migraine. Kerry is extremely professional, taking time with each patient to complete a full consultation and medical history before any treatment is prescribed or takes place at a subsequent appointment – she will decide if anti-wrinkle injections are the best solution for your skin concerns or if you would benefit from other treatments that we have available in clinic. If we decide to go ahead with Botox treatment, you will return for your treatment appointment and you can expect excellent aftercare. We will book you in for a 2-week review and perform any top-up treatments (if required).

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The Anti Wrinkle Injections Journey

To start your Anti Wrinkle Injections journey call us now on 01872 272520

Anti Wrinkle Injections Questions

  • Who makes Botox?

    BOTOX® is the brand name for the most popular form of botulinum toxin type A treatment worldwide. It is manufactured by Allergan, a specialty pharmaceutical company.

  • What is Botox?

    BOTOX® is a brand of botulinum toxin type A which is a natural purified protein, that is used for both cosmetic and medical indications. It is a prescription only medicine that must be prescribed on a per patient basis by a qualified prescriber, such as a doctor, dentist or nurse. At Aesthetic Solutions, Kerry our aesthetic nurse is an independent nurse prescriber.

    It relaxes wrinkle-causing muscles, creating a smoother and more rejuvenated appearance.

    When injected into a muscle, in minute quantities or doses, it temporarily blocks the chemical signals that make the muscle contract. Only the injected muscle will be affected.

  • What areas of my face can be treated with Botox?

    Treatment areas include the deep crease between the eyebrows, crow’s feet wrinkles and forehead lines.

    It has a medicines licensed in the UK which notes that it can be used for the temporary improvement in the appearance of: moderate to severe vertical lines between the eyebrows seen at maximum frown (glabellar lines) and/or, moderate to severe lateral canthal lines (crow's feet lines) seen at maximum smile and/or, moderate to severe forehead lines seen at maximum eyebrow elevation, when the severity of the facial lines has an important psychological impact in adult patients.

    To learn more about Botox you can read the full Patient Information Leaflet.

  • Can I have Botox for excess sweating?

    Yes, Botox is licensed and can be used to treat excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis. You will need a full consultation and face-to-face assessment with a prescriber to make sure that you are suitable for treatment, and that Botox is the best option for your sweating concerns.

  • Can I have Botox for headaches?

    Yes, Botox is licensed and can be used to treat headaches and migraines. Again, you will need a full consultation and face-to-face assessment with a prescriber to make sure that you are suitable for treatment, and that Botox is the best option for your headaches.

  • How does Botox work?

    Repeated contraction of certain muscles in the face, such as the ones that we use to frown or smile, lead to fractures in the skin; these start to appear as fine lines and wrinkles. A tiny amount or dose of Botox can be injected into the hyperactive muscles to block the nerve impulse from reaching the muscles. This causes the muscle to relax, or effectively ‘go to sleep’. This relaxation takes away the repeated contraction of the overlying skin and enables it to relax, heal and renew so the lines are smoothed away. The effect of Botox are temporary and the communication between the nerves and the muscles repair over time, so repeat treatment is needed to maintain results.

  • Are there any side effects?

    Most patients find the injections only cause a mild, temporary discomfort. Side effects from treatment are rare. You may feel a slight stinging sensation around the injection site for 1-2 minutes at the time of injection, and some bruising can occur afterwards. Any injection carries a small risk of infection, and you must avoid rubbing the skin where the treatment was administered. Rarely a transient numbness may develop in the treated area, and some people experience a headache-like feeling for a day or so after treatment.

    Possible side effects from injecting around the eye include dry eyes or difficulty in seeing clearly. If you develop dry eyes you should inform us immediately.

    Rarely a ptosis or temporary drooping of the eyebrow or eyelid may occur. This will resolve in time as the botulinum toxin wears off.
    Patients may develop antibodies or allergies to the botulinum toxin, although this is unusual. An extremely rare side effect may be generalised weakness or fatigue post-treatment.

    These effects, if they occur, are noticeable a few days after the injection and usually wear off after 2 - 4 weeks.

  • Is Botox safe?

    Botox has an excellent safety profile, both for medical and cosmetic treatments, having been studied for many decades It is used in a variety of therapeutic areas.

  • How long does Botox it last?

    Repeat treatments are usually needed every 3 - 4 months, over a twelve-month period. Clinical trials report that some patients, who have had quarterly repeated treatment over 12 months, go on to only require further treatments once or twice per year to maintain their desired results.

  • Does it hurt?

    Most people don’t even notice the injections used for treatment, and no anaesthetic is required, as use very thin gauge needles. All you may feel is a slight a pin prick.

  • Will Botox affect my whole face?

    It only relaxes the specific muscle it is injected into. Treating facial lines requires only minuscule quantities of botulinum toxin, which are targeted in such a way to ensure that you still have a natural facial expression and do not appear completely frozen or expressionless.

  • How long does the treatment take?

    About 10 minutes.

  • Will my lines look worse if I discontinue treatment?

    Should you discontinue treatment, your lines will gradually revert to their pre-treatment appearance. You may think you look worse, when you look in the mirror, as you have become more accustomed to how you looked without the wrinkles.

  • Are Botox results immediate?

    No, the effect of the treatment can take up to 14 days to work and deactivate the underlying muscles.

  • Who should not have treatment?

    If you are pregnant, breast-feeding or have certain muscular diseases then treatment is not recommended or licensed.