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What's the real difference between IPL and Laser Hair Removal





Both Intense Pulsed Light (IPL,) and Laser Hair Removal reach the root of the hair via the melanin in the skin. This stimulation has a ‘damaging’ effect on the root and after a few treatment sessions, will inhibit the root to produce new hair. Dark hair and fair skin are the perfect combinations to get the most effective results.

The key difference between our Soprano laser and IPL is the type of light used. IPL is a broadband pulsed light source, whereas the Soprano laser is a monochromatic coherent light source. Whereas Laser hair removal treatment works more definitively, therefore allowing the high energy to focus on the hair follicle rather than surrounding skin; therefore leading to faster results as well as being suitable for darker skin tones. Energy, frequency and hair colour are all determining factors in the efficacy of the treatment, while the light source, the actual laser or an intense pulsed flash light plays a minor role. IPL does however come with it's downfalls such as if you have darker skin you wouldn't be suitable for treatment due to the laser also targeting the surrounding skin, which could result in that patch of the skin treated changing colour, (due to reducing the amount of melanin in the skin,) making it lighter;  another thing of which you need to be wary about is the possibility of burning the skin, which is far less likely when you have Laser Hair Removal with the Soprano laser. So overall although IPL is the cheaper treatment, there are fewer side effects with the Soprano, with a larger range of skin types being able to have it done.

We asked women which they prefer, hair removal treatments (such as shaving, depilatories etc) at home or here with us at Aesthetic Solutions? They commented that when they do it themselves at home they saved time because they didn't have to travel in the car to come to us. Yet they found that they had to do it more regularly, because of the effectiveness of hair removal products compared to our high powered laser. When you come to us you receive the know-how advice and treatment from a professional which can lead to faster, and more pleasing results. Our clients love the personal quality of having it done with us, if they had any enquiries they could call us or come in for a chat with us, and that is a value which Aesthetic Solutions hold to.

Here at Aesthetic Solutions we focus on Laser Hair Removal and don't do IPL treatments due to what we are trying to achieve. So why have Laser Hair Removal instead of IPL treatment? Because lasers create more heat and light energy which is directly concentrated to the hair follicle and only target melanin (the pigment that gives hair its colour), while the light energy of IPL diffuses on the skin surrounding the hair follicle. Therefore you are more likely to get a more positive, and pleasing result from it. 

Why come to us?

For our personal service, which provides you with a full set treatment plan, and talks you through everything you need to know. As well as the fact that not a lot of clinics in the South West have a Soprano Laser, so you will be getting treatment from a laser of which is highly trusted and used in the top ranking clinics in London.

If you want to find out more about the treatment we provide please don't hesitate to call us on 01872 272520, or email us at


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