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Welcome to Spring! Dont forget your sunscreen (SPF)




Welcome to Spring! Dont forget your sunscreen (SPF)

As I write this, the beautiful British Spring Weather is battering the daffodils and cherry blossom outside, so I know that thoughts of sunshine and warm days seem a long way away. However, it’s time for me to gently remind you all to wear SPF all year round, even when it feels like there is an Arctic chill in the air.
Exposure to the sun’s rays, whatever the weather, can work to ‘speed up’ the visible signs of ageing. Exposure to UVA and UVB rays contributes to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles (as a result of reduced elasticity and a degradation in the overall condition of the skin), as well as pigmentation.
However, Sun damage doesn’t just prematurely age skin, it also has a much more sinister consequence – Skin Cancer. It is well documented that over exposure to the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays can increase the risk of a person developing Skin Cancer.
I’m not trying to scare you into investing in some good quality SPF that you can wear all year round on exposed skin (like the delicate skin on your face) to protect it from sun damage. For me, education is integral to the health and happiness of the patients who come to visit me for non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Wearing SPF – either a dedicated broad spectrum sunscreen or a make-up or tinted moisturiser that contains a good quality SPF – is such an easy way to help ‘hold back the years’ when it comes to premature skin ageing caused by Sun Damage. I wish everyone was doing it!
If you are looking for a new sunscreen, I can strongly recommend a couple of products:
The first is iS Clinical’s ‘Extreme Protect’ SPF 30 - a broad spectrum sunscreen that combines anti-ageing technology with sun protection.
The second is a product like Lycogel’s ‘Breathable Tint’ - a tinted moisturiser with SPF 30, that can help provide a radiant and even complexion if you are specifically looking for high-quality make-up that can also protect your skin.
So even if it is raining sideways when you are reading this, please remember to incorporate a good quality SPF into your daily routine – your skin will thank you for it!


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